Teaching Methods

Teaching Methods

As we all aware that this exam is not mere test of knowledge and information in fact it aims at evaluating an candidate's Suitability to the challenging and ever important civil services across the country. A team of highly experienced faculty devotes itself to research and analysis, So as to understand clearly the subject matter of the General studies and the optional Subject in a systematic manner, capacity to write a long analytical and imaginative essay in an impressive style, formulate and present his answer in the most direct logical, constructive and analytical manner.

We at CLASSIC IAS ACADEMY pays attention on participatory and interactive learning. Besides, CIA'S latest technology and up-to-date pedagogic methods are used to give our students a competitive edge over others. We believe without Test and discussion, teaching is useless. So at CLASSIC IAS ACADEMY fortnightly Test is compulsory, set of study material also provided by the academy to supplement the teaching.

Test & Discussion

  • Test held at regular (fortnightly) intervals
  • Surprise test can be held any time / any day.
  • A series of test shall be held only after the course completed.
  • MOCK-TEST shall be held every year before Prelims Exam.
  • MOCK-TEST shall be held every year before Mains Exam.
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