Must Read - Daily News Paper Articles

Must Read News Current Affairs

9th March 2021

1. Public or private? The future of banking in India and US (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Effects of liberalization on the economy

2. Why does the deepening Indo-US friendship puzzle so many?: (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : International relations

3. SC seeks States’ views on 50% cap on quota (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Indian Polity

4. Courts in five countries back Cairn ruling (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Important International institutions, agencies and fora, their structure, mandate

5. India and its neighborhood-relations (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : India and its neighborhood-relations

6. Ensuring trust in the electoral process (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act

7. ‘Only half of govt. schools, anganwadis have tap water’ (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to education

8. Will handle national security projects: ISRO (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Achievements of Indians in science & technology

9. 59 migrants from Morocco scale fence to enter Spain (CSAT-1)

UPSC Syllabus : Current events of international importance

10. Iran slips record volume of oil into China, taps Asian clients (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : International relations

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