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1. Govt. sends ‘one last notice’ to Twitter to adopt new IT Rules: Informative reading
2. G7 nations agree on uniform minimum corporate tax : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : International relations
3. Siltation affecting width of waterways in Mumbai: study : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Environment pollution
4. Pakistan makes progress on terror finance ratings : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate-FATF
5. Emergence of order from chaos in turbulent systems and Bose-Einstein condensation : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Science and technology
6. Study points to pileup of biomedical waste : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Disaster-Environmental effects of pandemic
7. First human infection of the H10N3 bird flu : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : General Science
8. The coming together of the powerful five : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : International relations
9. What is a global minimum tax and what will it mean? : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Mobilisation of Resources
Current Affairs
Monthly Magazine