Must Read - Daily News Paper Articles

Must Read News Current Affairs

5th July 2021

1. J&K administration bans drones in Srinagar : (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Security challenges and their management in border areas

2. Taliban capture several districts in Afghanistan: Informative reading

3. Mixed bag : (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth.

4. The heavy footprint of a light rail: Informative reading

5. Assam plans subgroups to stabilise population: Informative reading

6. Crocs relocated from Gujarat lake : (CSAT-1)

UPSC Syllabus : Biodiversity-Dyke3/Panchmulilake

7. Literacy, numeracy mission deadline pushed to 2027 : (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education

8. Chinese astronauts complete first spacewalk at new station : (CSAT-1)

UPSC Syllabus : Current events of international importance

9. Why the dairy sector needs more private players : (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Food processing and related industries in India-Dairy Processing and development Fund

10. Battling inflation: Informative reading

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