.bootstrap-dialog .modal-header.bootstrap-dialog-draggable{cursor:move} var krajeeDialogDefaults_71c625b2 = {"alert":{"type":"type-info","title":"Information","buttonLabel":" Ok"},"confirm":{"type":"type-warning","title":"Confirmation","btnOKClass":"btn-warning","btnOKLabel":" Ok","btnCancelLabel":" Cancel"},"prompt":{"draggable":false,"title":"Information","buttons":[{"label":"Cancel","icon":"glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"},{"label":"Ok","icon":"glyphicon glyphicon-ok","cssClass":"btn-primary"}],"closable":false},"dialog":{"draggable":true,"title":"Information","buttons":[{"label":"Cancel","icon":"glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"},{"label":"Ok","icon":"glyphicon glyphicon-ok","cssClass":"btn-primary"}]}}; var krajeeDialog_63269c26 = {"id":"w0"}; var krajeeDialog=new KrajeeDialog(true,krajeeDialog_63269c26,krajeeDialogDefaults_71c625b2);
1. House panel moots law to keep a check on private hospitals : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Health
2. Suspension of IBC extended till March ’21 : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian economy
3. New irrigation model to help desert villagers : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Environment and ecology
4. Nepal in turmoil: On dissolution of Parliament by K.P. Sharma Oli : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : (aspirants may read it although no direct link to the syllabus)
5. Key steps to get this spectrum auction right : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Changes in industrial policy
6. Virus variant: On temporary travel ban from U.K : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Science and technology
7. Humans are still core to Digital India : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Governance
8. Kashmiris celebrate chillai kalan : (CSAT-1)
UPSC Syllabus : Art & culture
9. Super Hornet fighters jets being tested for Navy use : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Security-Science and technology
Current Affairs
Monthly Magazine