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1. Nov record FPI inflow on vaccine hopes reverses panic outflow of Mar :(GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus :
2. Cross-border terror biggest challenge for SCO region: Venkaiah : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security
3. Faecal coliform levels 660 times desirable limit in the Yamuna : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Water pollution
4. No separate flag, constitution for Nagaland, says Governor : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian polity- importance of national integration
5. The perils of deregulated imperfect agrimarkets : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices
6. Closer to punishment : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security
7. A misguided policy that cuts deep into patient safety : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Health
8. Is a person’s address public information? : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian Polity-Right to privacy
9. Recalibrating India-Nepal ties : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : India and its neighborhood-relations
10. Moving forward in base areas : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Internal security
11. Effective information sharing crucial, says FATF : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Money-laundering and its prevention
12. Kashmir, India and the OIC : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : International relations
Current Affairs
Monthly Magazine