Must Read - Daily News Paper Articles

Must Read News Current Affairs

19th April 2021

1. Why the US Treasury’s call for a global minimum tax is unfair to developing economies (GS-1)

UPSC Syllabus : Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

2. Direct benefits (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices

3. Agriculture policy should target India’s actual farming population (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices

4. Why saving the middle class is critical for India’s economy and its democracy (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Indian economy- issues relating to growth, development and employment

5. Normal is good (GS-1)

UPSC Syllabus : Indian Geography-Monsoon core zone

6. Cuba after the Castros (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Governance(Example)

7. An obituary for the IP Appellate Board (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Governance

8. Implementing green contracts (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Conservation

9. Bat with sticky discs found in Meghalaya (CSAT-1)

UPSC Syllabus : Biodiversity

10. 162 oxygen plants sanctioned (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Disaster management(General reading)

11. Amid high demand, Railways to run ‘Oxygen Express’ trains: (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Disaster management(General reading)

12. U.S., China agree to cooperate with urgency on climate crisis (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : International relation

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