Must Read - Daily News Paper Articles

Must Read News Current Affairs

15th August 2021

1. PM: Aug. 14 will be day to recall Partition trauma: Informative reading

2. India working for return of Karmapa: Informative reading

3. Gujarat to set up residential schools in PPP mode : (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education

4. Antidrone systems deployed in border areas of Kashmir : (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Security challenges and their management in border areas

5. Where will climate change strike? : (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Environmental pollution-Climate change

6. Using nanorobots in dental procedures : (GS-3)

UPSC Syllabus : Science and technology

7. Cave lion cub found in Siberian permafrost is 28,000 years old:Informative reading

8. The nuanced dimensions to Indian entrepreneurship : (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors

9. India’s flag code and rules governing display of the Tricolour:Informative reading

10. PM Gati Shakti Master Plan that Modi announced on I-Day:Informative reading

11. Why PM Modi’s announcement on fortified rice is significant : (GS-2)

UPSC Syllabus : Issues relating to poverty and hunger-Malnutrition-Government Measures

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