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1. PM’s Twitter account briefly hacked: Informative Reading
2. RBI and PM signal reforms in troubled urban coop banks : (GS-3)
3. Freedom and power : (GS-2)
4. The evolution and framing of the Constitution : (GS-2)
5. The stepping stones in the post-pandemic world : (GS-2)
6. Endless ordeal: Informative Reading
7. Manipur and Assam wanted to retain AFSPA : (GS-3)
8. SC has taken note of Section 124A misuse : (GS-2)
9. S400 is symbol of Indian sovereignty: Russian diplomat : (GS-2)
10. G7 calls on Russia to deescalate, warns against Ukraine incursion : (GS-2)
11. Tigray rebels retake Lalibela in Ethiopia’: Informative Reading
12. How the pandemic has worsened inequality in India : (GS-3)
13. India sending medical aid to Afghanistan is a sign of thaw in bilateral relations : (GS-2)
14. What’s happening between Russia and Ukraine? : (GS-2)
Current Affairs
Monthly Magazine