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1. Criminalisation of politics must be curbed : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian polity-Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act
2. Kabul offers to share power: Informative reading
3. GSLVF10 fails to put satellite into orbit:Informative reading
4. Squaring up to India’s education emergency : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education & Human Resources
5. Another warning: Informative reading
6. Parliament is abdicating its oversight role : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian polity
7. Eye in the sky : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Achievements of Indians in science & technology
8. Landslips in Himachal Pradesh cause concern : (GS-1)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian geography
9. Satellite mission: two stages completed but third failed: Informative reading
10. Quad officials discuss holding leaders’ summit : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
11. Common survey to count elephants and tigers : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Conservation-Biodiversity
12. India, Saudi Arabia begin naval exercise : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Bilateral groupings-defence cooperation
13. Wildfires rage as Algeria marks day of mourning:Informative reading
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