IAS Study Materials - for UPSC Prelims and Mains

Books and Study Materials for IAS Preparation

Having chosen your destination to become an IAS officer you must have started your preparation for CSE examination. Enthusiastic as you are, you might have known by now the knowledge is the demand of the examination. As such, you might have gone to the market to purchase ias preparation books but with an assortment of ias study materials and books available in the market I am sure you might have got confused. So, do not worry. The following information will clear your mind.

Why Study Materials Required for IAS Preparation

It is true that UPSC demands in-depth knowledge on various issues in a candidate it selects thus is the difficulty in cracking the exam. It is common for an aspirant like you to get anxious about the number of books and materials needed to study. But UPSC preparation is highly exaggerated. You need to do smart learning. Study limited but best books and clear the exam with flying colors. These books are standard and are unavoidable in the preparation. We can categories these into two: IAS Prelims Books and IAS Mains books or pre cum mains book. Also we can rely on study material provided by the coaching institute.

Many of the books are common for both prelims and mains. So be judicious in purchasing books. Read the standard books and revise them thoroughly. Later build upon that knowledge by linking with current affairs. It will do more harm than good by reading many books. It is the same with the study materials. To much of information is harmful in this examination.

IAS Study Materials

In the name of providing best UPSC study materials many people have set their shop and are producing tonnes of content. Study materials act as supplementary knowledge resources for some of the topics where standard books are not available or where the issue at hand is of current happening. In such a scenario, picking the right material that helps you understand the issue easily becomes daunting among the many and Classic IAS Academy material is one of the best.

One way to solve this problem is to go by the reputation of the study material provider. Often, it is the ias coaching institutes like Classic IAS that provide these for students. Good institutions earned their reputation by providing quality services. Thus, by instinct, you can purchase materials of such institutes. But, a word of caution, even while going by the reputation of the institute, give a cursory look at the material at hand and make an informed choice.

Other way is to sift through the tonnes of material and choosing those that suit your needs. It may take some effort but once done, you may prepare for the exam without any doubts.

Yet another way is to go by the recommendations of your seniors who have cracked the exam. Such recommendations can often be useful. It helps in having a proper setup prior to your preparation. But, avoid blind faith.

UPSC is selecting those candidates to highest echelons of the government who can solve the issues that are plaguing the country. CSE preparation is all about you developing such analytical brain that can look at the issue at hand from a different perspective and solve it. By doing smart work you can become one. At this juncture, India needs its best brains to helm the administration and propel it to the top among nations in twenty-first century.

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