Director Message

The Institute is well placed to fulfil its firm commitment to raising the standards of the industry. Our team of professional, skilled and knowledgeable colleagues will continue to drive this commitment forward. I also would like to acknowledge the great support and commitment of our Faculty members who have joined in with great enthusuasm.

I also value the support and advice that is available to me from so many quarters including the Faculty members and administrative team and everyone involved in our work, across all areas of the Institutes activity.

This combination of commitment and unquestionable ability cannot fail to take us forward, further consolidating the Institute’s position within the industry. I know that the work undertaken is going set the bedrock for the provision of a quality service.

I would like to set an example for best practice not only within our Institute but also in the industry as a driver of quality for students.

I thank all of our associates for allowing me the privilege of serving the society through your medium.

Thanks again

Balraj Solanki

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