Indian Women Face Violence Most
The findings of the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that Indian women face the most violence by the sexual intimate partner/ non-partner sexual violence in [read more]
The findings of the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that Indian women face the most violence by the sexual intimate partner/ non-partner sexual violence in [read more]
India has adopted a global resolution to update the International Systems of Units (SI) that redefines the basic unit – Kilogram. In-Detail With the adoption [read more]
Staunch opposition from the US on countries calling for data localisation, let us see where India stands in this scenario. Data Localisation The Internet generates [read more]
The Election Commission of India (ECI) had invoked its Article 324 of the constitution to curtail election campaigning in Bengal which was marred by violence. [read more]
While Delivering Judgement, the Supreme Court had observed that unbridled construction in eco-sensitive regions are the reasons for the unprecedented floods that we have seen [read more]
Around 186 countries across the world have agreed to check and monitor the movement of plastic waste from one country to the other. In-Detail Plastic [read more]
What Is It? It is an initiative launched by the Department of Biotechnology called ‘MANAV: Human Atlas Initiative to map every tissue of a human [read more]
India’s ambitious second mission to Moon, Chandrayaan-2, is set to be launched between July 9-16. In-Detail: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up [read more]
In News Scientists from Iceland are turning CO2 into a rock by mimicking a natural process at an accelerated rate. In-Detail: Increased levels of atmospheric [read more]
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