India’s ‘Panch Pran’ Target for Next 25 years
What is a Developed Country? 1. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Dominate Tertiary and Quaternary Sector: Post-Industrial Economies: Human Development Index: About Classic IAS Academy [read more]
What is a Developed Country? 1. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Dominate Tertiary and Quaternary Sector: Post-Industrial Economies: Human Development Index: About Classic IAS Academy [read more]
Recently, the Union government has launched a new campaign to reduce child mortality, including an app-the Paalan 1000 National Campaign and Parenting App. The campaign [read more]
Intellectual Property Rights: What is the need of IPR? About Classic IAS Academy Classic IAS Academy is one of the Best IAS Coaching in Delhi. [read more]
Recently, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has released a report titled “Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022: Investing in transforming futures for young people”. International [read more]
Key Points: Production Capacity: Key to Addressing Nutrition Gap: Need for Rice fortification: What is food fortification? improve the nutritional quality of food and to [read more]
Benjamin Franklin once said that “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. This quote fits soothingly well for the investments in the Indian Education [read more]
Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued detailed guidelines for digital lending according to which digital loans must be credited directly to the [read more]
· MoU was inked between Microsoft, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and Capacity Building Commission (CBC). About Classic IAS Academy Classic IAS Academy [read more]
The Government of India has formulated a comprehensive scheme of SMILE (Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise) to address the persisting problem of [read more]
Recently, Microsoft joined the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) of the government, with the objective of introducing social e-commerce in Indian market. Significance of [read more]
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