RTI Act – The Proposed Changes
In News The Government has introduced a RTI Amendment Bill proposing changes to the RTI Act, 2005. In-Detail Protests From Opposition Government’s View Reasons Behind [read more]
In News The Government has introduced a RTI Amendment Bill proposing changes to the RTI Act, 2005. In-Detail Protests From Opposition Government’s View Reasons Behind [read more]
In News The Lok Sabha has passed a Amendment bill that amends the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 changing many provisions for the constitution [read more]
In News In-Detail Conclusion Farm distress in the country has been a cause for worry. Farmers across the country are seeing their incomes dwindling. Amid [read more]
In News Motor Vehicles Bill was tabled and passed by the Lok Sabha but lapsed due to non-passage by the Rajya Sabha in 2018 is [read more]
In News Scientists from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institute in Kerala developed a way to pack beneficial microbes into a pill and [read more]
In News The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has proposed to roll out Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS) to track criminals, missing people and unidentified [read more]
In News The Union Cabinet has given its approval to amendments to the Protection of Children From Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) which gave a [read more]
In News The Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2019 which has a feature of setting up a single tribunal for river water disputes has [read more]
In News The Cabinet has given its approval to the Worker Safety Code Bill which is likely to be placed in the Parliament soon. In-Detail [read more]
In News The researchers from IITM-Pune had revealed that the northwest region and the South East coast of India are becoming more vulnerable to heat [read more]
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