India May Be a Source of Largest N2O Emissions Globally
In News A research study on cow urine found that it is a source of a greenhouse gas Nitrous Oxide which is 300 times more [read more]
In News A research study on cow urine found that it is a source of a greenhouse gas Nitrous Oxide which is 300 times more [read more]
In News What is It? Airpocalyose-III is a report released by Greenpeace analysing the data of 313 cities and towns of the country for air [read more]
In News: The Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister recently said that increased credit flows to agriculture sector will boost the sector. What Else [read more]
In News A new study found that the micro plastic pollution has now reached the groundwater sources which is known to contaminate surface waters. Highlights [read more]
In News: South Asia Nitrogen Hub (SANH), a group of 50 institutions from South Asia and the United Kingdom were granted Rs. 200 crore for [read more]
In News: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) with its workhorse Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has launched Microsat-R satellite into orbit. Microsat-R: It is [read more]
In News: A Constitutional amendment Bill was approved by the cabinet to provide more powers to the 10 autonomous territorial councils of the Northeast. They [read more]
The youth of the country would think of becoming an IAS officer at least once in their lives. Such is the craze for this job. [read more]
In News: The Status Paper on Government Debt for 2017-18 released by the Department of Economic Affairs showed that the debt-to-GDP ratio of the Central [read more]
In News The Union Rural Development Ministry has proposed to increase the pension provided for elderly poor, widows and disabled people under National Social Assistance [read more]
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